The World of Pride without Prejudice
The game is set in an alternative history version of England in 1812 - the year Pride and Prejudice is set. However many of the prejudices of the time have been removed. There is no discrimination on basis of race, gender, sexuality or religion either at the time or historically. It is still accepted to be prejudiced on the basis of nationality, class, income, marriage status and most importantly the reputation of the person and their family.
In this England, to be a member of high society (also known as the ton), you must marry an appropriate person, with a combined income suitable to support you both and produce an heir for each of you. All marriage is monogamous and for life. (See marriage section for more details)
There is no presumption that marriages are only between a man and a woman or that marriage is a sexual union. Heirs can be adopted. It is accepted that once heirs have been designated that couples may discretely engage in sexual and romantic relations outside of marriage in any way they desire, without restriction. (see heir and inheritance section for more details)
Due to the complexity of laws around inheritance, absolute chastity is expected of unmarried individuals. If anyone has been alone and unchaperoned with another person who is not a member of their family, this will become a scandal and impacts on the reputation of the entire family. (see reputation and scandal for more details)
Otherwise, England is much as it was in 1812. We are at war with Napoleon, the slave trade has been recently banned and the cricket is going dreadfully. See the wider world for more information.
Links for further information
Austen only blog