Order of the Evening
1:30 pm: Out of Character exercises on relative rank, family groupings, scandal and wealth.
3:00pm: Time In.
Drinks, nibbles and introductions.
Families announced as they arrive and greeted by the Dowager Duchess
4:00 pm: First two sets of dances.
- Gaming tables to be set up for those who prefer.
5:00 pm: Second two sets of dances.
Buffet is laid out
5:30 pm: The Presentation of the debutants
- Announcements of any engagements
Formal presentation of the (remaining) debutants to the Duchess of Devonshire.
A comic interlude, presented by the groom-elect to their future husband on the occasion of their engagement.
6:00 pm: Dessert is laid out
6:30 pm: Third two sets of dances​
7:00pm: Opportunity for more announcements of engagements
7:30 pm: Final two sets of dances
8:00pm: Opportunity for more announcements of engagements
8:30pm: Departures in state or disgrace.